my Nepal trip Year 2024

Saturday 31 August 2024

Grey-hooded Warbler 灰头柳莺

Order : Passeriformes 雀形目
Family : Phylloscopidae 柳莺科
Genus : Phylloscopus 柳莺属
Binomial name : Phylloscopus xanthoschistos
Grey-hooded Warbler

Size: 9.5~10cm
Habitat: Broadleaf and mixed broadleaf-conifer montane forests, secondary as well as primary.

date: 20140124 10:04am . Pokhara @ Nepal

Cinereous Tit 苍背山雀

Order : Passeriformes 雀形目
Family : Paridae 山雀科
Genus : Parus 山雀属
Binomial name : Parus cinereus - planorum
Cinereous Tit

Size: 12.5~14cm
Habitat: feeds at the middle and upper-strata of forests and woodlands and in gardens and cultivated areas, but avoids dense forests.

date: 20140124 10:03am . Pokhara @ Nepal

Himalayan Bulbul 白颊鹎

Order : Passeriformes 雀形目
Family : Pycnonotidae 鹎科
Genus : Pycnonotus 鹎属
Binomial name : Pycnonotus leucogenis
Himalayan Bulbul

Size: 19~21cm
Habitat: Sub-tropical or tropical moist lowland forests.

date: 20140124 10:01am . Pokhara @ Nepal

date: 20140124 10:35am . Pokhara @ Nepal

date: 20140124 11:01am . Pokhara @ Nepal


Indian White-eye 灰腹绣眼鸟

Order : Passeriformes 雀形目
Family : Zosteropidae 绣眼鸟科
Genus : Zosterops 绣眼鸟属
Binomial name : Zosterops palpebrosus - occidentis
Indian White-eye

Size: 9-11cm
Habitat: Open woodland , scrub to moist forest.

date: 20140124 10:00am . Pokhara @ Nepal

Common Tailorbird 长尾缝叶莺

Order : Passeriformes 雀形目
Family : Cisticolidae 莺科
Genus : Orthotomus 缝叶莺属
Binomial name : Orthotomus sutorius - patia
Common Tailorbird

Size: 10.5~13cm
Habitat: Gardens, scrub, bamboo clumps, cultivation borders, open deciduous woodland, mangroves.

date: 20140124 7:35am . Pokhara @ Nepal

Jungle Myna 丛林八哥

Order : Passeriformes 雀形目
Family : Sturnidae 椋鸟科
Genus : Acridotheres 八哥属
Binomial name : Acridotheres fuscus
Jungle Myna

Size: 24.5~25cm
Habitat: Open dry and grassy areas, often bordering wetlands and rivers, cultivation, roadsides, mangroves.

date: 20140124 7:08am . Pokhara @ Nepal

Black Drongo 黑卷尾

Order : Passeriformes 雀形目
Family : Dicruridae 卷尾科
Genus : Dicrurus 卷尾属
Binomial name : Dicrurus macrocercus
Black Drongo

Size: 27~28.5cm
Habitat: Open country, cultivation, roadsides, scrub. Up to 1220m.

date: 20140123 5:01pm . Pokhara @ Nepal